She Was at Risk Read online

Page 22

  There was a man in the bed next to her, but she ignored him for the time being. He wasn’t moving at the sound of the phone, so he’d probably had more to drink than she had. She slid her legs out of the bed and grabbed a silk kimono housecoat to wrap around herself. The caller was sent to voicemail a second time. MacKenzie took another look around the bedroom without spotting the phone, then went out to her living room, also bright with sunlight streaming in the big windows. Outside, the pretty Vermont scenery was covered with a fresh layer of snow, which reflected back the sunlight even more brilliantly. MacKenzie groaned and looked around. The newspaper was on the floor in a messy, well-read heap. The remains of some late-night snack were spread over the coffee table. Some of their clothing had been left there, scattered across the floor, but no phone.

  It started ringing again. Now that she was out of the bedroom and away from the base, she could hear the ringing of the handset, and she kicked at the newspaper to uncover it. She bent down and scooped up the handset. She glanced at the caller ID before pressing the answer button and pressing it to her ear, but she knew very well who it was going to be.

  No one else would be so annoying and call over and over again first thing in the morning. She couldn’t just leave a message and wait for MacKenzie to get back to her, she had to keep calling, forcing MacKenzie to get up and answer it. Her mother didn’t care how late MacKenzie might have been up the night before or how she might be feeling upon rising. It was a natural consequence of MacKenzie’s own choices. MacKenzie dropped into the white couch.


  “MacKenzie. Thank goodness I got you. Where have you been?”

  Her mother had been calling for all of two minutes. Where had MacKenzie been? She could have been in the bathroom, having a shower, talking to someone else on the phone, or at some event. Granted, she didn’t go to a lot of events at eleven o’clock in the morning, but it could happen. Mrs. Lisa Cole Kirsch had a pretty good idea where MacKenzie had been. In bed, like most any other morning.

  “What is it, Mother?”

  “It’s Amanda. She’s sick.”

  MacKenzie nodded to herself and scratched the back of her head. One of the things that would definitely set Lisa into a tizzy was Amanda being sick. She worried over every little cough or twinge that Amanda suffered. She had good reason, but it still made MacKenzie roll her eyes.

  “What’s wrong with Amanda?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just the flu, but I’m really worried, MacKenzie. The doctors said to just wait and see, but they don’t understand how frail Amanda is. They think that I’m just overreacting and being a hypochondriac. You know that I’m not just a hypochondriac.”

  “I know. So, how is she?”

  MacKenzie had to admit that even though her mother worried about Amanda, her worry was well-justified. Amanda’s health could get worse very quickly, and with the anti-rejection drugs suppressing her immune system, she was prone to picking up anything that went around.

  “She’s not good. She was up all night, throwing up, high fever, she’s just not herself. I called an ambulance at eight o’clock. She just can’t keep anything down and I don’t like the way she’s acting. So… weak and listless.”

  MacKenzie felt the first twinge of worry herself. Amanda had spent much of her life sick, but she was a fighter. She usually did her best to look like nothing was wrong, not letting on unless she was feeling really badly. She would laugh and brush it off as just a bug and smile and encourage MacKenzie to tell her about what was going on in her far-more-interesting life. MacKenzie closed her eyes, focusing on Lisa’s words.

  “But the doctors don’t think that there’s anything to worry about?”

  “No, but you know… they never do. She has to be at death’s door before they’ll admit that there might be a problem.”

  “Have they given her anything or did they just send her back home again?”

  “They’ve got her on an IV and have said that they’ll keep an eye on her. But you know they don’t really think there’s anything wrong. They’re just humoring me.”

  “Yeah. Do you want me to come?”

  “Would you? I’m really worried.”

  “Okay. I’ll need a few minutes to get myself together. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “Thank you, MacKenzie. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  The sad thing was, Lisa would do just fine without MacKenzie. Even though she said that she needed MacKenzie, MacKenzie wouldn’t really be able to do anything that Lisa couldn’t do herself. She’d been dealing with doctors for a lot of years, and though she didn’t pick up on the medical jargon as quickly as MacKenzie did, she could hold her own very well and was stubborn as a mule when it came to Amanda’s care. She would protect her baby at all costs, and Amanda would get the best of care whether MacKenzie were there or not.

  But if Lisa wanted the extra comfort of having MacKenzie around, who was she to argue? She didn’t have anything else going on that prevented her attendance, and even if she did, it was easy enough to beg off of any event with an excuse, especially if the excuse were that Amanda was sick. MacKenzie had used it as an excuse even when it wasn’t true. Although technically, even when Amanda was feeling well, she was still sick, so it wasn’t really a lie.

  MacKenzie hung up the phone and put it down on the brass and glass side table. She scrubbed her eyes with her fists, and when she opened them again, Liam was standing in the front of her.

  “What’s up?” he asked. “Everything okay?”

  He hadn’t yet recovered anything more than his boxers and, for a minute, MacKenzie just let her eyes rove over the piece of eye candy, remembering the night before through a slight haze of alcohol. They had gone to the Cancer Society fundraiser, had made the rounds there and let themselves be seen, and then had returned to MacKenzie’s apartment for more drinks, some real food, and private entertainment.

  “MacKenzie? What’s up?”

  “Amanda. She’s in the hospital and Mother wants me to go over there and reassure her.” MacKenzie yawned.

  Liam bent over to pick up the various items of clothing he had dropped the night before. “Is she okay?”

  “I’m sure both Amanda and Mother will be just fine. But she sounded pretty worried, and she said that Amanda was listless, which isn’t like her. A really bad flu, maybe. I hope that’s all it is.”

  “I was going to have a shower before heading out. Do you want it?”

  MacKenzie weighed the options. Amanda was in the hospital, so she would be getting the best of care. Did it really matter whether MacKenzie had to wait an extra ten minutes for Liam to shower before she got herself ready?

  “Or,” Liam suggested, a dimple appearing in his cheek, “we could shower together and be done twice as fast.”

  “I have a feeling I wouldn’t be out of here very quickly if we did that,” MacKenzie laughed. They could easily be another hour, and Lisa would be on the phone again, ringing insistently, demanding to know where MacKenzie was and why she wasn’t at her sister’s side yet.

  “Okay,” Liam agreed. “So, do you want it?”

  “Yes. I guess so. I need to pull myself together even if I am just going to the hospital.” Lisa would not want her to show up looking bedraggled. She’d expect MacKenzie to be well turned-out even if it were the middle of the night, which it wasn’t.

  Liam nodded agreeably. He pulled on his white shirt from the night before, but didn’t put on the pants or the rest of his outfit. “Shall I make you some breakfast while you’re in there so that you can get out more quickly?”

  “Would you? Just a couple of pieces of toast and some juice,” MacKenzie requested, heading toward the bathroom. She looked back over her shoulder at him. “And coffee.”

  He smiled. “I think I know by now that you don’t start any morning without coffee.”

  “Well, I need to fortify myself with something this morning before facing my mother.”

; * * *

  She had a quick breakfast while Liam got into the shower, but he wasn’t out by the time she was finished. She poked her head into the bathroom.

  “Will you be much longer?”

  She could see his shadow through the shower curtain as he turned his head toward her. “Oh… I can just lock up when I leave. You can go ahead.”

  MacKenzie shook her head. “I don’t like to leave people here when I’m not around. Sorry. Can you be quick?”

  “Yeah, sure.” His tone was agreeable, but clipped. He obviously didn’t appreciate that she didn’t trust him enough to leave him alone in her apartment. But MacKenzie had been burned in the past by people who didn’t respect her privacy, and she wasn’t about to leave him there without supervision. She didn’t know him well enough. Just because she could go with him to an event, and maybe bring him home afterward, that didn’t mean she knew enough about his essential character to leave him there alone. She valued her privacy and there were a few things around the apartment that were quite valuable. Not that she thought Liam Jackson was going to steal them. She knew where to find him if he did. But it just wasn’t good policy. If she didn’t notice that something was missing right away, she might never be able to track it down again.

  “I’ll just be two more minutes,” Liam promised.


  She went back to the bedroom and, since she had the time and couldn’t leave until he was finished, she actually went ahead and pulled her bed into some semblance of order. It didn’t look as good as when the maid did it, but it was better than leaving it all rumpled. She would appreciate it when she got home later.

  If Lisa could only see her now. Twenty-seven years old and actually making her own bed. On a roll, she went into the living room and picked up the newspaper, which she threw in the garbage, and her clothes, which she threw in the laundry. Liam was out of the shower but not yet out of the bathroom. She threw a random assortment of dishes into the dishwasher and had the place looking pretty tidy when Liam made an appearance, dressed, hair wet but neatly combed, and his face still stubbly, not having taken the time to shave. She stood on her tip-toes to give him a kiss. “Thanks. Sorry about having to rush you out of here. It’s my sister. Mother wants me there, so I have to make sure she’s okay.”

  Liam nodded, looking down at her and letting his fingers linger on her jaw for a moment. “That, or you got one of your girlfriends to call to break up the party so that you could get rid of me.”

  “Ugh. I wouldn’t do that when I was still in bed.”

  He smiled. “Give me a call later, then. Let me know how it goes. And we’ll see each other again… soon.”

  They didn’t have anything lined up, no dates, no fundraisers, nothing on the horizon. Liam was a nice guy, good looking, and MacKenzie might add him to her regular coterie of admirers, but she hadn’t made up her mind yet. She wasn’t one hundred percent sure that he was her type. Whatever that was.

  After seeing him out the door, she put on her coat and winter gear and headed for the hospital.

  * * *

  When she managed to find her way to Amanda’s hospital room, not in the renal unit where she usually was, Amanda was asleep. Lisa sat next to the bed, watching her sleep. Not reading a book. Not looking at her schedule for the week. Just watching her sleep. MacKenzie would have gone crazy. She couldn’t stand to have people staring at her.

  “Hi, Mom,” she said softly.

  Lisa looked over at her, automatically making a motion for her to be quiet before she evaluated MacKenzie’s voice and the deepness of Amanda’s sleep and decided that she probably wasn’t being too loud after all.

  “How is she doing?” MacKenzie looked over her kid sister. Amanda was twenty years old, but when she was asleep, she looked about ten. She was shorter than MacKenzie, and MacKenzie wasn’t exactly an Amazon herself. Amanda was small and elfin, and people often mistook her for a kid if they weren’t paying attention. She had a beautiful face, when she was feeling well. She wasn’t looking too bad. Her weight was good, her cheeks round rather than sunken like they had been when she’d been through her worst times. She had long, dark hair that got tangled if she didn’t take care of it, which was hard to do when she was in a hospital bed all day, but she didn’t like to cut it short so that it would be easier to take care of. She said she needed her strength, like Samson.

  Amanda was pale, and that bothered MacKenzie. But if she had the flu and had been throwing up for hours, then of course she was going to be pale. It was just a virus. She would be feeling better soon.

  “She’s sleeping,” Lisa stated the obvious. “She’s been so sick all night… I’m glad she was finally able to drift off. Maybe she’s on her way to feeling better.”

  “Probably just a bug.”

  “Yes. Hopefully.”

  There was an IV hanging, but Lisa had said that Amanda needed it to stay hydrated. It didn’t necessarily mean that she was back on some treatment again.

  MacKenzie pulled the other chair in the room closer to her mother’s and sat down. Amanda had been given a private room, of course. There was no way she was going to be left in some hallway or emergency room curtain. Lisa would see to that.

  “Do you want to go get something to eat?” MacKenzie suggested.

  “Well…” Lisa’s eyes flicked over to Amanda. “I don’t know. I don’t want to leave her alone.”

  “I’m here. And you haven’t had anything to eat, have you? You’ve been with her since last night?”

  “Yes, you’re right.”

  “Well, you’re not going to be any good to her if you’re fainting from hunger or all angry and irritable from low blood sugar. So go. I’ll be with her if she wakes up. She’s not going to be alone.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Why don’t you take advantage of the fact that I’m here, because I’m not going to be here all day. Go have something to eat.”

  “Okay,” Lisa agreed, but she still made no movement to get up, watching Amanda with worried eyes.

  “She’ll be fine for now. I’ll have them page you if something happens.”

  “Would you?” Lisa brightened at that suggestion. She could go have something to eat and still be sure that Amanda hadn’t taken a turn for the worse. She clutched her purse on her lap, then nodded and got up. “Thank you so much, MacKenzie, I appreciate you coming and being here for your sister.”

  “And for you,” MacKenzie reminded her. “Don’t you try saying that I never do anything for you.”

  “I would never say that.”

  MacKenzie raised her eyebrows as her mother left. She might say it and she might not. But she would certainly imply it the next time she wanted MacKenzie to do something for her and MacKenzie had something else going on or didn’t want to be there.

  Lisa’s heels clicked sharply as she walked away. MacKenzie watched her go. She leaned back in her chair and looked over Amanda once more. The hospital chair was far from comfortable. She was going to have to get used to it if she were going to be there for a few hours.

  “I should have brought a book,” she murmured to Amanda. She hadn’t thought to bring anything with her. She’d just gotten herself together and headed over. And she couldn’t go down to the gift shop to pick something up. Not after dismissing her mother and saying she’d stay with Amanda while Lisa was eating. MacKenzie sighed and resigned herself to just sitting there and napping while she waited either for Amanda to wake up, or for Lisa to return from lunch.


  SHE HAD NODDED OFF, and when she opened her eyes and rubbed the stickiness away, she realized that Amanda was awake, her head turned to look at MacKenzie.

  “Oh, hey sleepyhead,” MacKenzie greeted.

  “Hi,” Amanda said in a soft little voice. MacKenzie waited for the rejoinder about how MacKenzie had been falling asleep in her chair. But Amanda didn’t tease her. MacKenzie bit her lip. That was what Lisa was so worried about. Amanda might look like she was just a littl
e tired, but that shouldn’t change her personality. Her lassitude suggested that there was something more wrong, not just a twenty-four-hour flu bug. She shouldn’t have been experiencing that level of fatigue with just a virus.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I think I’m better now,” Amanda said faintly.

  MacKenzie waited for her to go on, but she didn’t. “I guess you had a pretty rough night of it,”

  Amanda nodded. She turned away from MacKenzie again and her eyes closed. MacKenzie frowned watching her. It was just the flu. Just a fever and throwing up. It could be any number of viruses. They had her on IV. She was going to be just fine.

  * * *

  Lisa returned, and looked worriedly over to Amanda lying in the bed, as if she had expected her to be sitting up talking by the time she got back.

  “She was awake for a minute,” MacKenzie said. “She didn’t throw up, so that’s good news.”

  “I think they put something in the IV to stop her.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s good. At least they’re taking it seriously.”

  “She really does need to sleep,” Lisa said, but MacKenzie knew she was trying to reassure herself. They were all used to Amanda’s high energy level. Even when she was sick, she still joked and teased and tried to keep everyone around her in a good mood. She didn’t like long faces around her hospital bed.

  “If she was up all night throwing up? She sure does. I was up half the night and I could still use a few more hours of sleep. And I wasn’t throwing up.”

  “You were up late?”

  “I was at the fundraiser.”

  “Oh, the one at the Phelps’s house?”

  “Yeah. That one.”

  “Who did you take?”

  “Liam Jackson.”

  “He’s a nice boy.”